Curt Young Opening Ceremonies / Cérémonies d’ouverture. |
Dr. Peter VanBerkel Nowhere Left to Wait: How Emergency Department Crowding Has Gone Beyond Hallways and Ambulance Ramps. |
Thérésa Choisi Comment le 9-1-1 nouvelle génération (NG911) pourrait transformer la prise d’appels d'urgence / How the Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG911) Could Transform Emergency Call- Taking. |
Neil McDonald Database Quality Assessment in Research in Paramedicine: a Scoping Review. |
Jennifer Bacon Multiple Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (MOHCA) Patient Events: a Scoping Review and a Case Series from a Provincial Cardiac Arrest Dataset. |
Rory A. Marshall A Cerebral Approach: Recognizing the Link Between Intimate Partner Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury Among Paramedics Could Ease Detriment to Survivors. |
Moderator: Dr. Judah Goldstein Great Debates in Paramedicine / Grands débats en paramédicine |
Dr. Mark MacKenzie and Joe Acker Keynote Presentation: Keeping it Real and Spinning the Wheel. – Navigating Paramedicine’s Latest Challenges – Invited Commentary on the Keynote – Dr. Walter Tavares |
Moderator: Nikki Little, Panel Discussion: the Changing Landscapes of Non-transports – Secondary Triage, Patient Refusals, and Alternative Pathways. |
Sarah Salvis Check-box Solutions and Organizational Culture: Paramedics’ Perceptions of Workplace Mental Health Supports. |
John Taplin Exploring Paramedic Care for First Nations in Alberta. |
Dr. Janelle Quintana Impact of a Community Based Paramedic Program on the Care of Intoxicated Individuals. |
Dr. Justin Mausz Violence Against Paramedics: Findings from a Mixed Methods Research Program. |
Dr. Matthew Levy Stryker Presentation: Outcomes and Safety Associated with a Non-transport Protocol for Low Acuity Patients During the Covid-19 Pandemic. |
Dr. Ian Drennan Quality of Ventilations Performed During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. |
Jennifer Bolster Substance Use and the Paramedic Role: a Scoping Review. |
Dr. Ian Blanchard Current 9-1-1 Call-taking Practice Shows Poor Performance for Predicting Clinical Outcomes in Two Large Emergency Medical Services Datasets. |
Jennifer Greene and Zach Cantor Top Canadian Paramedicine Research Papers. |
Moderator: Cheryl Cameron Dragons: Dr. Katie Dainty, Dr. Aaron Orkin, Jan Jensen, and Jason Buick Researchers: Laura Hirello and Rhys Clark The Canadian Paramedicine Researchers’ Den. |